Better Renting is calling on state and territory governments to protect public health and stop evictions during the COVID19 pandemic.
Better Renting Executive Director, Joel Dignam, said that the unprecedented situation meant new measures were needed to help renters keep their homes.
“The impacts of coronavirus make eviction more likely, particularly for people who may face a loss of income. At the same time, evictions increase the impact of coronavirus. They make it harder for people to self-isolate and increase the risk of community transmission.”
“During a public health crisis, nobody should have to worry about also losing their home. State and territory governments should stop evictions at least until we are through the worst of this pandemic.”
Better Renting has launched a petition calling for a moratorium on evictions, and Mr. Dignam said they were hearing from many renters anxious about their tenancy.
“Many renters in casual employment face the risk of missing out on their regular income. Others might have to stay home to look after children. On top of other stresses, these people shouldn’t also have to worry about the risk of homelessness.”
“In an economic crisis, the burden should be shared between the community. Renters shouldn’t have to bear this load alone. Stopping evictions is an important way to support the community at this time, and it’s also critical for public health.”