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Submission to ACT consultation on minimum standards and occupancy reforms

In July 2024 the ACT Government opened consultation regarding changes to existing minimum rental standards, as well as occupancy law reform. Better Renting made a submission responding to both of these areas. You can find our submission here.

Your chance to lead Better Renting

Better Renting is recruiting a CEO to succeed our founding director, leading the organisation and our staff of three. You'll be responsible for growing a national rental justice organisation, using skills in fundraising, strategy, HR, and media to scale up Better Renting and help secure more victories for renters to have stable, affordable, and healthy homes.

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Celebrating Tenant Talks 2024

In September 2024, we wrapped up the last of our seven Tenant Talk events for the year. The events ran like kitchen table conversations, with a volunteer host and a small group of local renters who got together to talk about their shared experiences of renting. Renters also discussed how they could get involved to change the rental system for the better. We captured these conversations through notes from each event, and used these to help inform our reporting and policy recommendations for our Renter Lobby Day and for future campaigns.

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Cost of Renting Report 2024

The cover image from the Cost of Renting Report

The Cost of Renting Report 2024 is based on a survey of 1400+ renters from across Australia, conducted in May-June 2024.

We asked renters about their renting experiences, with a particular focus on rent increases, energy costs, and landlord and real estate agents’ compliance with rental laws. Our first report based on the survey’s responses—Joule Thieves—focused on energy efficiency standards in rentals, energy costs, and their drain on renters’ financial and emotional resources. This report focuses on rent increases, affordability, and the weakness of rental laws in practice.

Renters from our survey told us they had steadily whittled down other expenses in their lives to afford rent. They were cutting back on savings, food, healthcare, and their social lives to hand over more money to landlords. What renters got in return for making cuts was a fear that their landlord or real estate agent could issue a big rent increase, drag their feet on repairs, or evict renters in retaliation for bringing up issues. Combined with low vacancy rates and possibly nowhere to go, many renters felt it was safer not to bring up issues. It’s incredibly unfair that renters make significant cuts to their expenses and nonetheless end up in such an unequal position.

The overall picture is that a tight rental market has forced renters to make sacrifices that are diminishing their health, mental health, and social lives. This market has also concentrated power in the hands of
landlords, resulting in unbridled rent increases and neglect of repairs and maintenance. Figures from our report illuminate this:

  • Nine in ten renters were paying more than they were 12 months before.
  • Half of rent increases that took effect in full were over 10%.
  • One in six notices of rent increase was above 25%.
  • One in two respondents said repairs didn’t get fixed within four weeks.
  • In the past 12 months, 59% of renters said they didn’t bring up issues because they feared retaliation from their landlord or real estate agent.

While rental laws vary across states and territories, these systemic issues affect renters across Australia. These issues are the result of weak regulation, a cultural disregard for rental laws on the part of land-lords and agents, and a tight rental market that strips power from renters and emboldens non-compliant lessors. We recommend addressing this by strengthening rental laws, reforming tax settings, and increasing housing supply to drive a higher rate of available rental properties.

The report is available for download here.

Joule Thieves: Renters’ energy challenges in a cost of living crisis

Three in four renters in Australia are cutting back on heating and cooling to reduce energy costs, according to results from a survey conducted by tenant advocacy organisation Better Renting and published today in our report Joule Thieves: Renters' energy challenges in a cost of living crisis

  • Better Renting conducted an online survey of over 1400 renters about experiences of rent and energy costs.
  • Only 25% of renters say their home has adequate ceiling insulation. 
  • One in three renters describes being too cold "almost all the time" in winter.
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Better Renting Submission on Victorian Minimum Rental Standards

In June 2024 the Victorian Government consulted on a potential expansion of existing minimum rental standards for rental homes. Better Renting's submission is here.

When “home” feels like an oven: Cedar's story

Imagine this: it's the peak of summer in Australia, and instead of enjoying the comfort of your cool, air-conditioned home, you're strategising how to survive the next heatwave in a rental that's stuck in the '70s—literally. This isn't just a hypothetical scenario for Adelaide renter Cedar and their family, it's an annual ordeal.

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Submission re: Build-to-rent tax concessions

In April 2024 the Commonwealth Government sought feedback on proposed tax concessions for new build-to-rent projects. Better Renting made a submission calling for affordable tenancies, single ownership retention, and tenancy security. The body of our submission is below.

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Cruel Summers: Renter Researchers Summer 2024

From December 2023 through February 2024, Better Renting worked with over 100 renters across Australia to track temperature and humidity in their rental homes. We also learnt about the experiences of these renters through surveys and interviews. 

These experiences are documented in our report Cruel Summers, available for download here.

Open letter: expand the Household Energy Upgrades Fund

The Household Energy Upgrades Fund is a Commonwealth program including $300 million for energy performance retrofits for social housing.

Better Renting coordinated a joint letter with 73 other organisations calling on the Government to:

  • establish targets and track progress to retrofit all social housing by 2030,
  • increase the total funding at least six-fold out to 2030, &
  • establish a dedicated stream of funding to prioritise remote social and Aboriginal-controlled housing.

The letter is reproduced here. A list of signatories is below.

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Hot Summer Nights - Queensland Summer 2024

This report, Hot Summer Nights, examines the experiences of Renter Researchers in Queensland from December 2023 to January 2024. Drawing on quantitative and qualitative data from 19 research participants in Queensland, we find: 

  • All rental homes were above 25°C degrees for 86% of the study period.
  • Renters’ homes were above 30°C degrees over five hours a day.
  • The average indoor temperature was 27.6°C.

Renters described how inadequate housing, which lacked features like ceiling insulation, fly screens, or fans, would regularly be hotter than the outdoors. This led to damaging effects on sleep, with concurrent harms to physical and mental health. Queensland's rental laws, which are weaker than those in other states, made it very difficult for renters to advocate for decent conditions in their own homes.

You can view and download the report below here.

SA organisations welcome rental reform

Better Renting, SACOSS, Anti Poverty Network SA, Uniting Communities, and Shelter SA, have jointly penned this letter to Minister Andrea Michaels to extend our congratulations on the passage of the Residential Tenancies (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act.

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Solar Flair: Renters' views on rooftop solar

A new survey of renters by tenant advocacy organisation Better Renting finds that renters are keen to share in the benefits of rooftop solar, although worries about rent increases are a sticking point. 

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Power Struggles: Winter Renter Researchers 2023

Through the winter of 2023, Better Renting worked with 59 renters to track temperatures in their homes and what it meant for them. We found unhealthy low temperatures in a large number of homes in the sample. Renters' experiences were characterised by a sense of powerlessness, forcing them to put up with substandard homes and negligent landlords, due to a fear of eviction, a rent increase, and potential homelessness. 

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Joint Statement Gains Widespread Support Across South Australia

The joint statement calling for further rental reforms in South Australia has garnered significant support. Initially backed by 5 organisations, the statement now has the endorsement of 43 organisations across the state. 

The statement outlines key areas for action:

  • Abolishing no-cause evictions
  • Limiting rent increases to CPI
  • Introducing minimum energy efficiency standards
  • Ensuring landlords cannot unreasonably refuse a pet

The growing number of signatories reflects the broad consensus on the need for these reforms. We encourage you to read the full statement.

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Response to NSW consultation paper on rental laws

NSW recently sought submissions in response to a consultation paper on improving rental laws. Our submission provided feedback on removing 'no grounds' terminations, making it easier for renters to have pets, protecting renters' privacy, the issue of excessive rent increases, and the need for minimum energy efficiency standards for rental homes. The submission is available for download here.

Submission to Senate Inquiry on the worsening rental crisis in Australia

In June 2023 the Australian Senate referred an inquiry into the worsening rental crisis in Australia to the Community Affairs References Committee. Better Renting made a submission to this inquiry, calling for action to: limit rent increases, give tenants more control over how their tenancies end, and establish minimum energy efficiency standards for rental homes. You can download our submission here.

SA snapshot for Winter Renter Researchers 2023

What are renters in South Australia experiencing this winter?

This winter we are working with around 60 renters across Australia to track winter temperatures in their homes and understand their experiences of winter cold. This includes 11 particiants in South Australia. 

We will publish the full findings from this citizen science study in September. In the meanwhile, this is an interim snapshot focusing on experiences document so far in SA.

You can download the brief report here, or read it below.

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Better Renting submission to the inquiry into the rental and housing affordability crisis in Victoria

In early July Better Renting made a submission to the Inquiry into the rental and housing affordability crisis in Victoria. We called on the Victorian Government to:

  • abolish unfair evictions at the end of the first fixed-term of a tenancy,
  • implement limits on rent increases, &
  • expand minimum energy efficiency standards for rentals.
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Joint statement on rental law reform in SA

Better Renting and South Australian community sector organisations have co-authored a joint statement  calling for fair rental laws in South Australia. The statement emphasises the urgent need to update rental laws to ensure affordable, safe, and secure housing for renters. With an increasing number of renters facing a rental affordability and availability crisis, the letter highlights the critical opportunity to enact lasting and positive changes to the Residential Tenancies Act 1995. The reforms proposed in the statement aim to abolish no-cause evictions, limit rent increases to CPI, introduce minimum energy efficiency standards, and prevent landlords from unreasonably refusing pets. It's a crucial call for the state government to prioritise fair renting in South Australia.

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Better Renting Impact Report 2021-2022

In 2023 we celebrate five years since Better Renting started. As part of this, we're proud to share an Impact Report on 2021-2022, covering the last two years of operation. Through this time we've seen continued progress on rental reform and a national conversation around housing growing in ambition and urgency. 

You can download a PDF copy of the report here. Our 2018-2020 report is available here.

What does the data tell us about landlord wealth?

The latest ATO taxation statistics for 2020-21 provide an objective view on the position of those taxpayers with an interest in a rental property, with data going back to 1999-2000. We analysed the data to better understand the position of landlords and how this has changed over time. A brief paper on our findings is available here.

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The cost of inefficient rental housing in South Australia

This week Better Renting is presenting at the Essential Services conference being put on by SACOSS. We will be speaking about who pays the cost of inefficient housing. As part of this, we have updated our Cost of Complacency analysis. This report looked at the cost of inefficient rental housing in New South Wales; we have updated it to look at the South Australian context using up-to-date figures.

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Renter Researchers Report Summer 22-23

Through the summer of 22/23, Better Renting observed renters' experiences of heat in their homes. We recruited eighty ‘Renter Researchers’ from across Australia to install temperature tracking devices in their bedrooms. Unlike a mere thermometer, these devices record temperature at intervals, creating a detailed record of the temperature changes and patterns observed in rental homes. In addition, we obtained qualitative data from Researchers, through surveys and interviews, helping us to understand observed temperature patterns and gain an insight into the human impact of high indoor temperatures.

You can download the report here in PDF format and here in DOCX format.

You can find our work from summer 21/22 here.

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The Cost of Complacency

When a home is more energy-efficient, the occupants benefit from free energy: instead of occupants having to pay to heat their home, the structure of the dwelling itself provides greater thermal comfort. Conversely, people in inefficient homes are being denied this benefit. In this paper we attempt to quantify the dollar value of this benefit to highlight what renters in inefficient homes in NSW are missing out on. We estimate that NSW has over 700,000 rental homes with poor energy efficiency, and that improving the efficiency of these properties would achieve benefits worth $1.199 billion, or $1683 per affected household. As energy prices continue to rise, the value of this benefit becomes greater. This represents a huge untapped opportunity to address cost of living impacts on vulnerable households.

You can download the report here in pdf format.

Rent Control: San Francisco

In part three of the rent control series, we’ll be taking a look at how San Francisco regulates rents with a view to informing rental policy reform in Australia. 

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Rent Control: Eye on Ireland

We’ve previously discussed the various rent control schemes in place across Australian jurisdictions. In this next series, we will take a look at how some international jurisdictions have implemented rent control. When we broaden our horizons it helps us to understand that there are many paths towards protecting the dignity and security of renters in this country.

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Submission on SA Rental Reform

Better Renting made a submission to SA's Consumer and Business Services in response to their consultation on "Modernising SA's renting laws".

Our submission is available here in pdf format

Rent regulation around Australia

This is the first post in a new series looking at rent control. In this post we will look at rent control in Australia. We will give an overview of what rent regulation is, what currently exists in each jurisdiction, and our reflections on what is needed. 

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Ceiling insulation standards in the ACT

Next year the ACT government will begin implementing a minimum ceiling insulation standard for rental homes. We know that renters are suffering due to rental rate increases and cost of living pressures, including hugely inflated energy prices. Renters live in homes that are generally of a lower standard than owner-occupiers and our research shows that renters are vulnerable to the health effects of an excessively hot or cold property. At the same time, landlords have little incentive to improve the energy efficiency of a rental home, as they don’t pay the bills. Up to 40% of the heat in a home is lost through the roof, so it makes sense that the government has decided to focus first on ceiling insulation by introducing minimum ceiling insulation requirements for rental homes beginning on 1 April 2023.

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Victorian election rental policy assessment

With the Victorian state election coming up on 26 November 2022, we wrote to representatives from Labor, the Liberals and the Greens to ask their position on a range of key rental issues:

  • ending no cause terminations,
  • tackling excessive rent increases, and
  • expanding energy efficiency minimum standards.

For each question we provided some context about why this issue matters and the response that Better Renting would want to see. We have reproduced this below, along with responses from the relevant party spokespeople. 

We received quite different responses, and we have not scored them or evaluated them against one another. However, we hope that by obtaining and presenting this information we can help you to take the responses into account as election day draws nearer.

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From gas to electricity for rental households

I remember going to inspect rentals and being stoked to find a gas cooktop in the kitchen. Like many of us, I've had bad experiences of old electric stovetops that take an age to heat up and cool down. It's also sometimes unclear when they are even on, and I've burnt many a teatowel this way. Gas is what I (and my housemates, unhappy about burnt teatowels) wanted. 

I never want to see one of these again.

But in coming years, this isn't going to be so true. Gas is a fossil fuel and we need to stop burning it in our homes (it's also often more expensive, and it causes indoor air pollution which causes asthma). So it's becoming much more common for homes to be all-electric. Reverse-cycle AC is replacing gas heaters and gas stoves are being replaced by electric induction stoves which, thank heavens, do not have the many disadvantages of old-school electric cookers.

This is an exciting opportunity for people renting. No gas connection fees! Less childhood asthma! Being able to cool your home in summer! But there are also risks. In this little post I want to outline some risks and how Better Renting is thinking about this issue.

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Is this termination notice valid? (ACT)

This fact sheet will deal with the requirements for a termination notice to be valid under ACT tenancy law. Both tenants and landlords can issue termination notices, but this overview focuses on those issued by landlords. Further, this fact sheet will not deal with terminations that are based on a breach of the agreement by either tenants or landlords. Our focus is on ‘no fault’ terminations. You can read more about how this category of termination functions around Australia here.

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Is this rent increase notice valid? (ACT)

A notice is basically a formal communication relating to the tenancy agreement. A landlord may give you notice for a whole number of things, such as a notice to conduct an inspection. This fact sheet will deal with the specific requirements of a notice to increase the rent in the ACT. This information only applies if you are in a periodic tenancy agreement and not if you are starting or renewing a fixed term lease. 

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Cold and costly: Renter Researchers' experiences of Winter 22

From June 13 to July 31 2022, Better Renting tracked temperature and humidity in 70+ rental homes around Australia. Our findings are summarised in our report Cold and costly: Renter Researchers' experiences of Winter 22.

You can download the report in pdf or docx format. The PDF is also embedded below.

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How to get your bond back in the ACT

This fact sheet will clarify the idea of "fair wear and tear" and help you to get your bond back. Many tenants can feel anxious near the end of your lease because your landlord may try to make a claim on your bond. Actually, the law in the ACT says that certain damage is okay - as long as it is "fair wear and tear", and your landlord cannot make a bond claim for this sort of damage. But the legislation is not super helpful when trying to figure out what this really means! This is where we come in.

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an image with someone's experience of a cold rental home

How do you sleep at night?

With rental homes so cold, it's a reasonable question. We're joining with Healthy Homes for Renters to support people who rent to share our stories of what we have to do to cope with our crappy cold homes. 

You can learn more about the project and share your own story on the Healthy Homes for Renters website:

Enough lies from the real estate lobby

It seems like every time anyone proposes doing anything to make things the slightest bit for renters, the real estate lobby comes out opposing the proposal — not because it would reduce landlord profits, no, but because it would lead to higher rents. For example:

"So, every time you take away a right that a property owner has...well, then all that will simply mean is fewer investors in the market and rents are going to go up, it's simple maths."

This is an absurd argument. In this post we'll try to take it down once and for all. In turn, we'll discuss:

  • Why the fear-mongering about high rents is disguised self-interest,
  • Why 'cost pass through' is not a real threat,
  • The evidence that rental reform doesn't discourage investment, &
  • The evidence that divestment won't reduce housing supply.
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Some notes on the 2016 Census

We are looking forward to the release of the 2021 Census results, which should be happening next week. In anticipation of those results, we thought we'd take a bit of a look at some data from the most recent census. When the latest census data comes out, it will be interesting to see what changes have happened. Key areas we are interested in are mobility in rental households, and changes in household composition.

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Hot homes: Renter Researchers' experiences of summer 21-22

Through the summer of 21/22, Better Renting observed renters' experiences of heat in their homes. We recruited fifty ‘Renter Researchers’ from across Australia to install temperature tracking devices in their bedrooms. Unlike a mere thermometer, these devices record temperature at intervals, creating a detailed record of the temperature changes and patterns observed in rental homes. In addition, we obtained qualitative data from Researchers, through surveys and interviews, helping us to understand observed temperature patterns and gain an insight into the human impact of high indoor temperatures.

You can download the report here in PDF format and here in DOCX format.

Submission on ACT minimum energy efficiency standards

The ACT Government is looking to implement minimum energy efficiency standards for rental properties. In November 2021 they published a Regulatory Impact Statement and Consultation paper (available here).

Better Renting made a submission to this process. The Better Renting submission is available here.

Submission on ACT rental reform

The ACT Government recently called for submissions regarding proposed changes to ACT tenancy laws, including ending no cause evictions.

Better Renting made a submission drawing on our experience and consultation with local renters. The submission is available here.

Better Renting response to ACT Consultation Paper

Today the ACT Government has published a RIS and a Consultation Paper on Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards for rental properties. The government considered a few approaches to specifying minimum standards, and the paper proposes an insulation standard such that rental homes with less than R2 ceiling insulation are required to install or upgrade to a minimum of R5.

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Who should pay for a forced move?

When a landlord kicks a tenant out even though the tenant is doing nothing wrong, who should bear the costs of the move?

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Home is where the heart is: Housing and heart health

There's plenty of evidence that the physical state of housing has implications for physical and mental health: if your home is too cold in winter, or is falling apart around you, it's bad for your health. But, perhaps surprisingly, recent research is finding linkages between health and other aspects of housing — such as affordability

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The sick season: cold weather and mortality in South Australia

Does South Australia have a pattern of increased monthly mortality during colder weather? We analysed monthly death statistics and average monthly temperature data and observed that the months July to October show an above average number of monthly deaths. This pattern is typical of countries with low-quality housing stock that offers inadequate protection during cooler months. Improving household energy efficiency would likely reduce excess winter deaths.

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Renting with pets in Queensland

We hear from lots of people interested in renting with pets. And it's no surprise: most Australian households have pets, and with more people renting long-term, more of us want the opportunity to have pets in a rental home.

If you rent in Queensland, here are answers to some common questions about renting with pets.

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Discussing unhealthy mould with ABC Canberra

We spoke with ABC Canberra about the issue of mould in rental properties.

Cold, mould, and damp are present in a lot of Australian homes, and they can have serious health effects. 

These issues can be addressed through minimum standards for rental properties, including ventilation, and stronger regulation.

If you want to see healthier, decent rental homes, please sign our campaign petition for Healthy Homes for Renters.