Tenant Talks 2025

Tenant Talks are a series of community events for renters who will vote this Federal Election to discuss the state of our rental crisis, and what we can do to fix it. 

Tenant Talk events will run between February and April. Each event will be run by a volunteer host, who will invite local renters to come together to discuss the state of renting in their community, and where their federal candidates stand on rental issues. This is an opportunity to learn more about your rights as a renter and how we can improve these rights by keeping up pressure this election, and beyond. 

Hosts will run through the current rental laws in your State, and what rights we want to improve at the Federal and State/Territory levels. We’ll share our plan to win better renters’ rights this Federal election, and how we can work together to put pressure on politicians around rental issues. As a non-partisan organisation, we will not be endorsing any political party or candidate. These events will give you information on the policies put forward by your candidates to help you make your voting decision on Election Day. 

A third of Australians are renters, so if enough of us come together, we can become a powerful voting force and make this “The Renters’ Election”, the year that renters are prioritised, our rights improve and our cost of living pressures decrease. 


Get Involved!

If you’re interested in hosting or attending a Tenant Talk event in your community, you can register with the form below. 
However you want to be involved, whether hosting or attending an event (or both), let’s make 2025 the year for renters!