Being a host

For your TenantTalk to be a positive experience for you and others, you should make sure to do the following:

Before the day

  • Read through this Host Guide – including the ‘TenantTalk Agenda’.
  • Choose a time and a date and a venue – this should be in October, it can be in your home, or another suitable place you can meet for a couple of hours.
  • Invite other renters that you know. Aim to have at least four people at your event, and no more than ten.
  • Ask one person to be the Scribe for the TenantTalk and share the role description with them.

The day of the TenantTalk

Before people arrive

  • SMS everyone to remind them when you’ll be starting.
  • It’s probably a good idea for the Scribe to arrive a bit earlier, so you can brief them.
  • Re-read the ‘TenantTalk Agenda’.

Running the TenantTalk

  • Once people have arrived and you’re ready to start, head to the ‘TenantTalk Agenda’ and get cracking!
  • As well as participating in the discussion, please try to make sure the ground rules are being followed. Try to give everyone the chance to contribute.
  • Make sure to get a photo of the group! 

Wrapping up

  • Once you’re done, spend some more time with the Scribe to make sure any gaps are covered and everything is included. Then email your notes to [email protected]
  • Have a well-earned drink.

After the day

  • Get in touch with us to let us know how it went!
  • Follow-up with everyone who participated to invite them to join our ‘Canberra Renters’ Facebook group and ask if you can share their contact details with Better Renting. We can improve renting in the ACT – but to do this, we need to be able to stay in touch with renters!

4. Tips for hosts >